Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spacers hurt!

Well, here is some new news:
I'm getting braces!! Tomorrow morning I go in for the actual braces. For the past week, I have had the spacers in. Man, do they hurt!!! I have NO tolerance for pain whatsoever so this has been agony for me.

But on a positive note! I've dropped 2 pounds (gone, gone) and!!!----- my nails are growing! I've actually got nails growing! I never have nails - always bite them off. Nope, as I'm tip-tapping away at the keyboard, I can feel NAILS. I can't wait for them to grow even more and my hands start to look semi-pretty.

So now here's a good question that I will eventually find the answer to:

We shall see. I am hopeful!!! And I'm supposed to have them on for 12-18 months. So we shall see......

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